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Ad stacking


Ad stacking refers to mobile ad fraud in which numerous ads are stacked or layered on top of each other in a single ad placement.


What is ad stacking?


Ad stacking is a fraudulent practice in the digital advertising industry where fraudsters place multiple ads on top of each other in a single ad slot. Fraudsters use this technique to increase the number of ad impressions and inflate ad revenue, but it can result in poor user experience and lower the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.


Ad stacking can occur on both desktop and mobile devices and can be difficult to detect. Advertisers may pay for an ad so it displays in a specific ad slot, but their ad may be hiding behind other ads that fraudsters stack on top of it. It can result in the advertiser not getting the visibility and engagement they paid for while the publisher benefits from the increased ad impressions.

User experience and ad stacking


Ad stacking can also negatively impact user experience. When multiple ads stack on top of each other, it can make it difficult for users to see and interact with the intended ad, resulting in a poor user experience. It can lead to lower engagement rates and damage the advertiser’s brand reputation.


To combat ad stacking, ad verification companies use advanced technologies to detect fraudulent ad activity, including ad stacking. Ad verification companies can detect when multiple ads stack on each other in a single ad slot, and they can alert advertisers and publishers to the issue. Advertisers can then take action to ensure their ads are displayed visibly and engagingly.


In addition to ad verification, advertisers can also take other measures to protect themselves from ad stacking. For example, advertisers can request that they display their ads in a specific ad slot, and they can monitor their ad performance to ensure that their ads are visible in an engaging manner.


Ad stacking is a fraudulent practice that can harm both advertisers and users. By using ad verification technologies and taking proactive measures to protect their ad campaigns, advertisers can help prevent ad stacking and ensure their ads are visible and engaging to their target audience.