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Bid adjustment 

Bid adjustment is a term that refers to the practice of adjusting the maximum bid for an ad campaign in real time. It is a crucial tool in online advertising. It allows advertisers to optimize their bids based on different factors, such as the time of day, location, device, and audience targeting. By adjusting the bids based on these factors, advertisers can maximize the effectiveness of their ad campaigns and achieve better results.

Types of bid adjustments

There are several types of bid adjustments that advertisers can use, including:

  1. Time of Day: Advertisers can adjust their bids based on the time of day. For example, if an advertiser finds that their ads perform better during certain hours, they can increase their bids during those hours to increase the chances of their ads being shown.
  2. Location: Advertisers can also adjust their bids based on the user’s location. If an advertiser finds that their ads perform better in certain regions, they can increase their bids in those regions to target users more effectively.
  3. Device: Advertisers can also adjust their bids based on the user’s device. For example, if an advertiser finds that their ads perform better on mobile devices, they can increase their bids for mobile devices to reach more mobile users.
  4. Audience Targeting: Advertisers can also adjust their bids based on their target audience. If an advertiser finds that their ads perform better with a certain audience segment, they can increase their bids for that segment to increase the effectiveness of their ad campaigns.

Adjusting bids is typically done using bid adjustment tools built into ad platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads. These tools allow advertisers to set bid adjustments based on different factors and can be adjusted in real-time to optimize ad campaigns.


Bid adjustment is critical to online advertising because it allows advertisers to target their ads more effectively and achieve better results.

By using bid adjustment tools, advertisers can adjust their bids based on various factors to maximize the effectiveness of their ad campaigns and reach the right audience at the right time. Ultimately this leads to better ad performance, higher click-through rates, and more conversions.