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Product creators

Product creators are individuals or companies that manufacture products to sell them.

Product review

A product review is an expert’s opinion regarding a product. It can also be a comparison done on similar products.


Pay-per-sale is a payment scheme wherein an affiliate receives a commission from the advertiser or product


Pay-per-lead is a payment scheme wherein affiliates receive commission only when they can generate a lead for the merchant.


A podcast is an audio file available in digital format for download over the internet.

Player archetype

Player archetype refers to the player personas that a game appeals to in particular.

Paid user acquisition

In paid user acquisition, you pay for targeted advertising about your app or game on user acquisition channels


Psychographics is the study of customers based on their activities, interests, and opinions (AIOs).


  A publisher provides the capability and inventory that allows advertisers to run ads in their apps or on mobile sites.