Website tracking and marketing automation are two powerful tools that, if combined, can bring great results. Before we dive into the details, here are a few stats that will quickly give you some idea of what marketing automation can do:


  • 77% of marketers that implemented marketing automation saw a steady increase in conversions
  • 78% of marketers firmly believe that marketing automation is the reason why their revenue has increased
  • Businesses that have implemented marketing automation have seen the number of leads rise by 80%


Marketing automation helps businesses to streamline and automate their marketing processes, thus improving efficiency. On the other hand, website visitor tracking enables companies to collect invaluable data, allowing them to check how visitors interact or engage with their websites. And by combining these technologies, you can also optimize your marketing strategies. 


This article will explore 10 ways marketing automation can supercharge your website tracking efforts and improve your business’s results


marketing automation can supercharge your website tracking

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash



1. Personalized content delivery


Today’s customers seek brands that can give them personalized and relevant experiences. In response, businesses can deliver tailored content to their website’s visitors based on the past interests and behavior of these potential customers. When website visitors see specific content that caters to their needs or requirements, they will connect with the brand. 


Marketing automation enables marketers to track website visitors‘ interactions, such as the pages they visit, the forms they fill out and submit, and the downloads they make on a website. 


Marketers can analyze this data to understand website visitors’ behaviors and preferences. Using this information, they can create personalized content that resonates with their prospects. 


For example, a prospect is shown a particular product or service after repeatedly visiting a website page associated with the product. In this instance, marketing automation tools can immediately send this potential customer-targeted content related to a product or service. This content could be…


  • An email with additional details about the product or service they have checked
  • A special discount or offer
  • A blog post or a personalized video


Businesses that send relevant content to their target audience boost their engagement rate and build trust, thereby improving sales and/or conversions



2. Automated email campaigns 


Marketers can automate email campaigns. Such campaigns can be triggered by specific actions or by the behavior of prospects on websites. For example, if a person signs up for a newsletter, you can send them a series of emails welcoming them and providing them with relevant content that will interest them. 


Similarly, if a prospect abandons the cart during the purchase process for some reason, you can send them a targeted email. You can also leverage website tracking data to send relevant and timely emails to your customers, target audience, or prospects. Thus, you can use both these technologies to nurture potential customers through the sales funnel. 



3. Improve customer experience


By tracking user behavior and website activity, companies or brands can identify opportunities that will help enhance customer experience. 


marketing automation can supercharge your website tracking

Photo by Microsoft Edge on Unsplash


For example, if you notice a high bounce rate on a webpage, you can use marketing automation to send ads, targeted follow-up emails, or incentives to re-engage and bring those prospects back. 


When you tailor your marketing efforts to meet customers’ specific requirements and needs, you will improve the customer experience and build brand reputation and customer loyalty. 



4. Real-time alerts and notifications 


Setting up real-time alerts and notifications based on website tracking data is possible. 


For example, you can set up an alert or notification when a high-value customer or lead visits your products or demo page. You can also create these alerts for when you identify hot leads and assign your sales team to work with them, allowing you to promptly follow up with your staff. 


Through this, the opportunity for you to convert these visitors into customers will increase. When you leverage website visitor tracking data in real time, you can respond quickly based on lead behavior. Thus, you can engage with website visitors when their interest is at a peak. 



5. Improved lead scoring 


Website tracking can provide you with insights to help you notice how interested a lead is 

in your product or service. 


Marketers can use marketing automation to score the prospects based on their engagement and interaction levels with the website. Thus, they can differentiate leads that are interested in your products and services from those that aren’t. 


This information will assist you in understanding which of your prospects will convert, in turn helping you to prioritize your follow-up and marketing efforts. 


For example, leads that visited multiple pages on the website, downloaded eBooks and whitepapers, and submitted contact forms are given high scores as they are more likely to convert. 



6. Segmented and targeted campaigns 


Marketing automation helps you to segment your leads and customers based on demographics, website behavior, and other criteria. 


When you segment the target audience based on website tracking data, it will be easier to tailor your marketing campaigns and send your audience relevant and personalized content that might appeal to them.


For instance, you can segment visitors based on those who visited your website in the last 30 days but have not yet made a purchase. Subsequently, you could send these visitors emails with discounts or incentives to encourage them to convert. 


You can also increase engagement and conversion rates by customizing messages and offers based on the specific behaviors and interests of different audience segments. 


marketing automation can supercharge your website tracking

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash



7. Optimize marketing campaigns


Marketing automation also helps you to optimize your marketing campaigns by providing valuable insights into user behavior and preferences


By tracking user behavior on your website, you can gain insight into what marketing channels and messages resonate most with your audience. 


Using website tracking data, you can gain insight into which channels, such as email, social media, and pay-per-click (PPC) ads, are most effective at converting visitors into customers. 


One means of doing so is by using website tracking data to check which marketing channels are effective and driving conversions. You can then use this information to improve their performance and boost and maximize ROI. 



8. Measure ROI and success metrics


Marketing automation is crucial in measuring the return on investment (ROI) derived from your website tracking efforts. When you set specific success metrics, such as sales revenue and lead conversion, you can easily track the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. 


These metrics can help you understand how much revenue your campaigns generate vis-à-vis the costs incurred. By monitoring these metrics, you can identify which campaigns are successful and which need to be improved.


By measuring ROI, you can make data-driven decisions to optimize your marketing strategies. 


If some campaigns are not generating the desired ROI, you can tweak them or shift focus to other marketing campaigns that are performing better. It can also help you allocate your marketing budget more efficiently and maximize your ROI. 


Furthermore, marketers can use the ROI data to justify the investment in marketing automation tools to stakeholders. When you can show a positive ROI on your marketing automation efforts, it makes it easier to convince decision-makers to invest in similar tools or expand the use of existing ones. 



In conclusion


Marketing automation and website tracking platforms are technologies that can do wonders for your business when you know how to merge and use them properly. Companies that employ these technologies can quickly scale up their business. This article will discuss how to use marketing automation for website tracking and boost your business’s revenue.