Companies are often hesitant to switch to a new and advanced tracking platform, even when it offers more value and innovation, fearing that the migration process will be tricky. And to be sure, this anxiety is not unfounded, as migration can involve a significant amount of manual effort alongside the potential financial risks. However, as valid as these concerns are, allowing them to hold you back will prevent you from adopting a tracking platform that meets your requirements and empowers you to achieve your goals.


Rest assured, then, that by carefully considering the benefits as well as weighing the potential challenges, you can make an informed decision and unlock the tools necessary for success.


If you already know it’s time to switch tracking platforms but are concerned about the difficult road ahead, don’t be. 


With the right provider, migrating is a simple and fast process. So if you’ve had bad experiences switching providers before, get ready to put them behind you. 


We’ve compiled a list of the top-five migration process concerns to support your migration-related worries. Throughout, we’ll show you the solutions to these concerns, and outline the most important questions to ask potential new tracking providers before you sign up. 




Biggest migration concerns and their solutions


Guide to switching to a new tracking platform



1. Fear of manual processes


Many affiliate networks don’t often have their own in-house tech teams. This means there often isn’t anyone to automate any part of the migration process, such as saving offers, advertisers, and pushing this data onto a new platform, at all. With a choice between doing this work manually or staying with their old provider, many companies opt to stay with an inferior service. This is where the power of automation can help.



Solution: A migration assistant and effective automation


The key here is to plan and strategize the migration process, as well as use a migration assistant. Both are going to make your life a lot easier.


Suppose you want this process to be easy. In that case, your new tracking provider should automate your data migration from one platform to another, simplifying this process’s most complex part. Moreover, this innovative migration can be completed at the mere click of a button, making your data available on the platform as quickly as possible. Your new tracking provider should also be able to help you unlock the power of automation, ensuring you don’t get bogged down with time-consuming manual processes. This way, you will achieve maximal results with minimal effort.




2. Fear of Data loss


Losing data is a mobile marketer’s worst nightmare. Such incidents can become critical problems, sometimes involving the loss of vital, sensitive information required to scale campaigns and keep the business safe. When migrating platforms, make sure that you are switching to a reliable and innovative tracking provider. Do they offer high platform stability? Data reliability? And can they give you reporting features that prevent you from losing a single click or conversion during the migration process? If the answer to these questions is no, think again. 



Solution: A seamless and completely automated process with zero data loss


With the right platform, losing information will never be an issue. The first step, migrating your data, will be automated, already making things much less stressful. Of course, it may take time for advertisers to change postback links and for your publishers to connect with a different API. However, your tracking provider should be able to make things easier by identifying whether these actions have been undertaken. If they haven’t, they can forward postbacks to your previous provider until the migration is complete. During the migration process, they’ll also ensure that all traffic is redirected to the old platform and stored in your new provider’s platform. 


This step, along with the data synchronization, will eliminate any downtime for the system and ensure that you don’t lose any data or revenue throughout the process.


Remember that switching between tracking platforms doesn’t force you to stop using one to transition to the other, and an overlap period is more than acceptable—if not likely.


Indeed, during a seamless transition, an innovative provider will allow you to run two platforms in parallel while the migration process runs, which can help you further eliminate data loss.



3. Fear of wasting time and money


Migration is often associated with direct costs and the potential loss of revenue, especially when there is even a brief pause in running campaigns. These costs and potential setbacks can arise due to the need to reconfigure tracking systems, transfer data, and ensure seamless integration with the new platform. 


Such temporary disruptions during the migration process may impact the performance and continuity of ongoing campaigns, leading to a potential loss of revenue. However, before you let these problems deter you, weigh these risks against the long-term benefits of a more advanced and suitable tracking platform. 


Businesses can minimize downtime and financial impacts by carefully planning and implementing the migration process, ensuring a smooth transition to a platform offering superior features and capabilities. 


Doing so will allow for better tracking, optimization, and the potential for increased revenue and future business growth.


Solution: A collaborative and cost-efficient approach


It is essential to define clear migration goals and requirements to overcome this issue. Doing so will ensure a successful migration and eliminate concerns about wasting time and money. This solution involves defining specific objectives and outcomes desired from the migration process. Do you require improved tracking accuracy? Enhanced campaign optimization? A streamlined data integration? Or all three? Thinking about this will make the process quicker and pain-free. 


Tight collaboration and thorough preparation are key components of any smooth migration. And by actively involving all relevant teams, including marketing, IT, and data analytics, businesses can comprehensively understand the migration process and align everyone’s efforts toward a common goal. Doing so will help identify potential challenges, address them proactively, and streamline the overall transition.


Businesses can confidently navigate the transition process by combining a well-defined migration strategy, tight collaboration, and open communication. This approach maximizes efficiency, minimizes downtime, and reduces the financial impact, ultimately enabling a seamless transition to a new tracking platform boasting superior features and capabilities. 


Today, migrating to a new provider should be a simple process, that is much faster and more resourceful than you may have experienced in the past. For example, with the right tracking solution, the migration process is quick, simple, and over with a mouse gesture, making your data available on the platform as quickly as possible and cost-effective. Gone are the days when you had to run two platforms simultaneously for a long time, and so too, is the pain of paying double for the same service.



4. Fear of being left alone without support


One common concern holding many companies back from switching to a new tracking provider is being left alone without sufficient support. The thought of undergoing a migration process and not having the necessary assistance and guidance can be daunting. 


Companies are frequently anxious about the potential challenges and uncertainties they may face during the transition, as well as the impact they may have on their operations. Again, while valid, this concern can hinder your decision-making if not resolved, preventing your business from exploring better tracking options that could enhance your enterprise. 


Overcoming this hurdle requires a tracking provider prioritizing customer support and offering support throughout the migration process and beyond. 



Solution: Customized onboarding and a dedicated support team


When choosing a tracking provider, it is essential to consider the level of support and resources they offer. A reliable one will know the importance of smooth onboarding and provide customized training to ensure you and your team are well-equipped to navigate the migration process. They should also assign a dedicated customer support team who will guide you every step of the way, ensuring a seamless transition. 


This team will readily address any concerns or questions, providing the necessary assistance to make the migration an efficient experience. 


Additionally, a good tracking provider will offer extensive learning resources, too, empowering you to maximize the capabilities of their platform and achieve your goals effectively. And through their commitment to your success, they will also become a trusted partner, offering ongoing support and guidance throughout your journey.


Guide to switching to a new tracking platform



5. Fear of learning new workflows


Switching to a new tracking provider can sometimes create worries about learning new workflows. And let’s face it, once a company becomes accustomed to a platform and gets used to its functionalities, the desire to change it for a better one can seem daunting, even when its performance is below par. 


Part of this is because businesses can fear transitioning to a new system because of the learning curve and the time and effort required to become proficient with these new workflows. The worry you have to navigate through unfamiliar processes and tools can therefore feel overwhelming, deterring companies from embracing a better tracking solution even when they badly need it.


However, it’s important to remember that a new provider can help you overcome these concerns with the proper support and resources, showing you that the benefits of a new workflow can far outweigh any initial challenges.



Solution: Dive in and get trained


To successfully integrate with your new platform, you need to set some time to become familiar with it. During this stage, you should take advantage of the onboarding process, where the provider’s experts will guide you through the setup and initial steps. 


Remember as well to embrace the platform’s training sessions, as they will equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge to make the most out of the tool. During these sessions, you should actively engage with the platform, explore its tools and features, and get to grips with its capabilities. 


To this extent, whenever you encounter any questions or challenges, don’t hesitate to utilize the learning resources provided by your new provider, such as a comprehensive knowledge base, informative video tutorials, and insightful webinars. 


These resources will empower you with the expertise needed to optimize your workflow and achieve the best results with the new platform. Keep in mind, too, that mastering a new tool takes time and practice. But with dedication and by using the platform’s educational materials, you’ll soon understand how your new provider’s platform works.



5 questions to ask tracking platforms before making the transition


Now that we’ve covered the most daunting concerns brands face and how to address each one, let’s cover the questions you need to ask your new tracking platform before signing up with them.


These questions will help you make informed decisions and ensure a seamless transition. By delving into the platform’s capabilities, data accuracy, compatibility with your existing systems, customer support, and integration options, you will better understand if what they offer is what you need. 


Moreover, by asking the right questions, you’ll eventually find a tracking solution that does suit you, paving the way for more efficient and lucrative marketing campaigns. 



Guide to switching to a new tracking platform


What are the critical steps involved in the migration process you undertake?


When considering a new tracking solution, the provider should offer a well-defined breakdown of the implementation process, outlining clear phases and estimated completion times and specifying the involvement of relevant teams. 


This transparent approach ensures a smooth and organized integration, allowing your teams to collaborate effectively and optimize the tracking solution to its full potential. 



Step 1 – Start Migration Assistant for Data


A Migration Assistant for Data is a crucial tool that transfers all your essential settings and configurations from your previous platform to the new one. This includes advertisers, offers, publishers, budgets, and payouts. 


The Migration Assistant operates efficiently, automatically updating and migrating the data every hour. Whether it’s a one-time migration or regular periodic updates, the tool guarantees that all changes are swiftly and accurately transferred to the new platform. Through this, you’ll have access to the most up-to-date and accurate data at all times. 


With this powerful tool, you can confidently begin your journey with the new tracking solution, leveraging its full potential for your marketing success.



Step 2 – Start Migration Assistant for Traffic


The Migration Assistant simplifies migrating your traffic data, including clicks, impressions, and postback information. Using the Migration Assistant, you can safely transfer valuable traffic data from your previous platform to the new one. 


In addition, it will also ensure that you retain crucial insights and historical data during the migration. This will mean that, during the transition, your traffic data will be migrated securely and accurately, helping you to continue implementing your marketing strategies.



Step 3 – Migrate Publishers


To make certain that your transition is as smooth as possible, an important step is to communicate with your publishers and guide them on adopting the new tracking platform’s Feed API. This API integration enables seamless data exchange between your publishers and the new tracking platform, providing real-time access to crucial information like clicks and impressions. 


By migrating publishers to the new tracking platform’s Feed API, you will also unlock the potential for accurate and up-to-date performance tracking, empowering you to make data-driven decisions. Collaborating closely with publishers during this process guarantees a successful migration and fosters a strong and enduring partnership in your performance marketing journey.



Step 4 – Migrate Advertisers


If you want your migration to be smooth, never underestimate the role effective communication with your advertisers has while changing the postback URL. This URL is necessary for tracking conversions and attributing them correctly, which your advertisers will need to know about.


By guiding them through this process, however, you ensure the postback URL is accurately integrated with the new tracking platform. This step will offer insight into your campaign performance alongside seamless data transfer and accurate conversion tracking. And by swiftly migrating your advertisers, your existing marketing strategies will function without disruption. 



Step 5 – Switch off Advertiser Migration sync one by one:


As you progress with the migration process, pay attention to make sure everything is running smoothly. For instance, once you have successfully migrated your publishers and advertisers, it’s time to switch off the advertiser migration sync. 


This step ensures that all data has been accurately transferred and there is nothing upsetting traffic tracking and postback information. Put simply, turning on network integration further enhances the efficiency of your performance tracking. 


This step-by-step approach will minimize the risk of data loss or discrepancies, providing a streamlined user experience for your team and clients. With a well-executed migration, you can unlock the new tracking platform’s full potential and maximize your performance marketing efforts.


Guide to switching to a new tracking platform




What is the estimated duration for completing the migration, from initiation to the conclusion?


The duration of this period varies depending on the client’s preferences and requirements. Typically, the migration process can be completed within one day to 6 months, offering clients the flexibility to choose a suitable timeline.


And as noted, for clients looking for a swift and immediate transition, the migration can take as little as 24 hours. In such cases, all data is transferred to the new tracking platform, allowing clients to start their operations immediately.


On the other hand, some clients prefer a gradual migration approach. They may work in parallel on both platforms and transfer data slowly. This incremental process can extend the migration period to half a year, providing clients ample time to adapt to the new platform at their own pace.


Regardless of how long the provider swap takes, clients can rest assured that their operations will run smoothly and that they can continue working on their existing platform without the risk of losing a single click. 


Today, the migration process is designed to be quick, efficient, and non-disruptive, ensuring a fast transition that allows clients to start using their new platform’s features how and when they want. 





What support services will you provide to facilitate a smooth and successful migration? 


Innovative and customer-centric tracking providers are committed to making their clients’ migration process successful. And to achieve this, they offer comprehensive support services to guide and assist their customers every step of the migration journey.


Platforms that care about their users offer migration onboarding and training sessions conducted separately to ensure you receive personalized attention and fully grasp the process. They will also provide expert support to help you through each part of the process, addressing any query or concern.


In addition to this, they should provide access to support after the process, offering prompt and reliable solutions to any issue or challenge. Does the platform you’re thinking of using do all of this? Again, if not, it might be time to rethink your plan. 


In addition to this, they should also be able to teach you how to use their service. Do they have a knowledge base filled with valuable resources, video tutorials, and webinars? These resources aren’t just handy reference material but essential material that will enable you to navigate the platform effectively and make the most of its features. If it’s not there, look elsewhere. 


However, the best providers will host regular 30-minute catch-up meetings weekly to ensure everything is going well. During these sessions, they may review the migration status, address any concerns, and ensure the migration proceeds as planned. That might sound like going over and above, but in reality, it’s the kind of help everyone should expect.


In a nutshell, if you’ve found a platform with comprehensive support, your migration process will be fine. Just remember, the support they offer should be reactive and proactive, offering guidance when issues occur and providing you and your team with the skills and knowledge to overcome any challenge too. 



Guide to switching to a new tracking platform



Which team members or roles should be involved in the migration process?


During the migration process, your team will play important roles. Therefore, you must understand who does what so each part of the process is managed correctly.


First and foremost, the Admin holds a key position in setting up the main configurations to initiate the migration process. This role includes tasks such as providing API keys and other essential information needed for the migration.


Next, the Admin and the Advertiser or Publisher Account Manager review the migrated data. This step ensures that all the relevant information has been accurately transferred to the new tracking platform.


Account Managers oversee the migration process and are responsible for switching off the migration assistant once all the data related to the respective advertiser has been successfully migrated. Additionally, they must assess whether advertisers and publishers have made necessary changes to tracking and postback links on their side.


Team members must communicate and coordinate clearly and efficiently throughout the migration journey. Collaboration between Admins, Account managers, and other relevant roles ensures the migration process progresses without complications.


Moreover, by involving the right team members and roles, businesses can ensure that the migration process is a success that improves the performance of your marketing campaigns.



Guide to switching to a new tracking platform


What are the recommended strategies or guidelines that should be followed for effectively migrating campaigns?


Effectively migrating campaigns to a new tracking platform requires a well-planned and systematic approach, ensuring a clean transition for advertisers and publishers. Here are the recommended strategies and guidelines to follow for an effective migration:


  1. Move every publisher to the new tracking platform: To centralize and streamline your campaign data, ensure all your publishers are moved to the new tracking platform. This step helps comprehensive tracking and reporting, providing a clear view of campaign performance.


  1. Move every advertiser to the new tracking platform: Migrate all your advertisers to a new tracking platform for a consolidated view of your entire advertising ecosystem. Centralizing advertisers allows for better control and optimization of campaigns.


  1. Update tracking links: Ensure your advertisers and publishers have updated their tracking links and postback URLs that point to the tracking platform. This step is pivotal if you want accurate tracking and attribution of conversions.


  1. Review migration tips and tricks: Take advantage of the tips and tricks provided by the new platform during the migration process. These resources can help you to address common migration challenges and maximize the platform’s features.


  1. Utilize onboarding sessions and check-ins: Participate actively with your team in onboarding and scheduled check-ins. These interactions provide an opportunity to clarify doubts, receive personalized guidance, and fully leverage the platform’s capabilities.


Guide to switching to a new tracking platform


By following these recommended strategies and guidelines, you can ensure your campaigns migrate successfully to the new tracking software, unlocking the platform’s potential to enhance campaign performance, streamline operations, and efficiently achieve your user acquisition goals.






Switching to a new tracking platform can be daunting, but don’t fret. With the right approach and a reliable tracking provider, you can overcome any problem. Today, businesses can confidently navigate the migration process by carefully evaluating the benefits, embracing automation, and fostering collaboration.


Data loss can be minimized through seamless automation and synchronization, while potential disruptions can be mitigated through a well-defined strategy combined with effective communication. 


Adequate support, training, and resources from the new provider empower businesses to embrace new workflows and maximize the platform’s capabilities. 


So, with a successful migration, businesses can unlock the full potential of their performance marketing efforts, achieving growth and success in their user acquisition endeavors.


And how do you know it’s time to change the tracking platform? Read this article to learn more.