7 automation workflows that can optimize how  Mobile Marketing Manager spend their day

It’s essential to reduce your Account Manager’s time spent on menial tasks, and innovative automation is often the solution. 76% of companies that utilize marketing automation generate a return on their investment within the first year and 74% of marketers believe that automation helps them save time.

Automated workflows are created by setting certain rules and parameters based on your company’s needs. This can be performed and managed by Account Managers without requiring them to do the constant heavy lifting of manual repetitive work.


This enables them to devote more time and energy on more valuable tasks, which will consequently push you further towards your targets faster and with more efficiency. The average partner has 10,000 offers (10 sources each with 10 sub-publishers), meaning there are over a million combinations to check – an amount that is only achievable with automation.


How campaign automation works

Each automated process has three steps:

  • Define the use case: Think of a workflow that can be automated
  • Selecting the criteria
  • Choosing which action (or actions) must be taken.


Let’s take our first workflow – approving publishers for specific offers – as an example of how this works. To automate this, the rules you can set includes defining the trigger for the automation rule and the criteria for when it should be executed.

For example, for advertisers you may only want to approve US publishers that have traffic in the US. This workflow can be easily automated – in this case, you can automatically only approve offers for the US.

The third part is which action must be taken. When pushing traffic to advertisers, the rule is whenever a new offer or a change to an existing offer, the rule must evaluate whether the offer is active. For example, to execute the automation rule when a new offer is created in the system.

Usually, such changes to your workflow automation would rely on an Account Manager’s extensive knowledge of operations. However, automation enables you to make optimized decisions even if the manager is absent or working on other tasks such as relationship management, trying to get more offers and budgets, or upselling.

In the near future, your entire workflow of manual actions within the platform can be automated. This ranges from what campaigns publishers should be running on the platform to set your optimization criteria. Everything can be automated end to end.

With this in mind, here are seven ways automation workflows can help save your Account Manager’s valuable time.


7 automation workflows to help your business

1. Publisher approval
Approve certain publishers for specific offers and push your offers to publishers. When you are pushing some offers to new publishers and don’t know how they will perform, you can approve them on certain test offers. Whenever they are approved, you can also set daily click caps for that publisher. You can approve new publishers on a set of offers and automatically set a click cap for each new publisher. You can add different settings for each new publisher.

2. Set margins per publisher
If you are testing new publishers you may want to keep margins optimized while testing performance. You can use automation to set your margins for new and existing publishers.


3. Setting KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
You can set your KPIs on the offer level, publisher level, and sub-publisher level for optimization. For example, if you reach at least one conversion per 10,000 clicks, you can stop sending traffic from sub-publishers. This is valuable to marketers because of the volume of combinations that must be checked. As we have already covered, the average partner has thousands of offers: hundreds of sources and sub-sources, this already accounts for a million combinations to be checked – making it humanly impossible to look at every single one and identify which works.

When it comes to campaign optimization, you can automatically take action on the offer level. Many advertisers set KPIs for their campaigns such as tutorial completion. You can automatically turn off sources that don’t reach a KPI threshold.

4. Automate your fraud prevention
Click spam and bots pose a significant problem within the mobile marketing ecosystem. By setting the right criteria for indications of fraud, you can automatically protect your data. For example, you can take action based on insights from your advertiser. If you get a postback alerting you that users were identified as click spam and blocked, you can take action by pausing those publishers.

5. Link scanners: Stop sending traffic to broken links
You can use link scanners to check if clicks are actually reaching the app store. The benefits to automating this process are that your links will constantly be checked to ensure you are not sending users to ‘dead’ tracking links and losing revenue as a result. Automation can also help you when links are unsuccessful. When links do not reach the store, you can automatically stop sending traffic, pause offers to take other actions relevant to your workflow.

6. Keep your publisher updated (block and pause traffic)
Make changes based on new advertiser information. For example, if the campaign is experiencing tracking issues for some reason, you can pause the campaign or pause the publisher and inform them at the same time until the issue is resolved.


7. Approve offers from network(s)
For example, If you run an offer directly from the advertiser, you may not want to run it from a network. In addition to this, if you do not want to run an offer exceeding a certain amount of redirects, all this can be resolved with automation.


How Swaarm can help

Swaarm is an intuitive platform for measuring, optimizing, and automating your marketing efforts. We are the first-ever martech tracking platform to be perfected with real clients’ input, making each action simpler, faster, and better. Automation is at the heart of our unique offering, providing clients with innovative features so they can scale their business.

Contact us today to find out how our innovative technology can help you automate workflows and grow your business at scale. Our team of industry experts will be happy to answer your questions.