From advertisers to the users: Who can benefit from mobile marketing automation?

Mobile marketing automation is a game-changing technology that changes the way we work. From programmatic media buying to user personalization, it enables marketers to perform tasks at humanly impossible speed and scale. A report by Social Media Today shows that 75% of all companies use at least one type of marketing automation tool, while Invespcro found that 63% of marketers plan to increase their marketing automation budgets. But who can benefit from mobile marketing automation tools? This article outlines the many ways this technology benefits advertisers, publishers, and users.


Who can benefit from mobile marketing automation?

1. Advertisers

In mobile marketing, advertisers are usually an app looking to advertise their product and promote their brand. They can achieve this by purchasing advertising space from publishers and networks, which can offer access to the app’s target audience. Automation can help advertisers achieve their daily tasks and reach their long-term goals in several ways.


How advertisers benefit from mobile marketing automation
  • Fraud prevention: 78% of advertisers cite click fraud as their biggest concern. Moreover, global losses from ad fraud in 2020 were $35 billion. Automation can be used to prevent fraudsters from stealing an advertiser’s marketing budget by claiming faked installs.
  • Daily operations: By setting the right parameters and rules that inform automation tools how to perform daily tasks, marketers can spend less time on manual tasks and focus on developing their marketing strategy.
  • Increased conversion rates: Automation tools can be used to increase the conversion rate of your campaigns. For example, you can A/B test your ad creative and discover which converts the most users. When implementing these tests, you can automate the creation of cohorts that will be used in your tests. Almost 60% of companies perform A/B tests on their landing pages while 44% of businesses use split testing software.
  • Automated reports: Marketers can receive automated reports that enable them to dive deeper into performance and optimize for best results. For example, you can use automated reports to identify when users are most likely to churn. You can then prolong Lifetime Value (LTV) by making changes to your app or re-engaging users just before they are likely to leave your app for good.
  • Data management: Automation technology can also be used to organize your data at a humanly impossible scale. For example, you can use automation to keep track of your leads. 36% of companies are already using business process management software to automate their workflows.
  • Media buying: Programmatic media buying uses automation to place bids according to certain rules and parameters. This type of media buying uses data insights to serve ads, ensuring that you are reaching the right users at the right price. According to an IAB report, “advertisers that invest more than 41% of their display budget into programmatic leaped from 55% in 2019 to 70% in 2020.”



2. Publishers

A publisher provides advertisers with inventory in their app that can be used to run ads. They sell advertising space that they own to buyers who can convert users who belong to their target audience. Just like the advertiser, there are several ways publishers benefit from automation.


How publishers benefit from mobile marketing automation
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system: This is a management system that is a critical tool for a publisher’s marketing strategy. Automation can be used to improve the efficiency of a publisher’s CRM systems. For example, this allows a team member to manage several campaigns at the same time. This includes sending automated messages at times that are predetermined. It is also possible to send the same message across several channels with the same message, at the same time.
  • Automating laborious tasks: Just like advertisers, publishers benefit from automation by using it to complete manual tasks. This frees up time and resources for a publisher’s workforce to focus on strategy and customer support.
  • Programmatic Media Buying: The automated processes of programmatic media buying also help publishers connect with customers willing to pay the best price for their inventory.



3. Users

Mobile users are exposed to ads created by an advertiser and displayed by a publisher. As the most important component of the mobile marketing ecosystem, enabling users to benefit from automation can create an optimized user experience and help advertisers reach their most ambitious marketing goals.


How users benefit from mobile marketing automation
  • Improved customer support: Automation and machine learning can be used to provide customer support that is immediate and optimized. For example, chatbots can be used to help customers with frequently asked questions. 68% of consumers like chatbots because they provide answers much faster than when the user must wait to speak with a customer support member. Customers also named 24/7 access to support as the greatest benefit of chatbots. This can also increase a marketer’s conversion rates and revenue, as 41.3% of consumers use conversational marketing tools for purchases.
  • Personalized marketing: 71% of consumers are frustrated by shopping experiences that are impersonal, and 74% of customers are frustrated by website content that is not personalized. Users now expect to have a unique experience that is tailored to their preferences. Fortunately, automation makes this possible at scale. For example, automation technology can be used to ensure that a user’s name is used in notifications and emails.
  • Automated messaging: Users can also benefit from automated alerts and messages that can be used as reminders. For example, if a user has a fitness app and wants to be alerted when a new training video is released, this is possible thanks to automated messaging.



Swaarm and automation

Our mobile marketing automation technology is an aspect of our platform that is consistently praised by clients. For example, ​​Oleksandra Gipsh, Co-Founder and COO of AppTrust, says “The Swaarm platform itself is very intuitive and the automation rules are next level. Instead of doing repetitive work such as pushing offers to publishers or blacklisting sub ID’s, our Account Managers can automate these processes and can now focus on value-creating tasks.”
As a widely proven technical platform that handles over 30 billion events every day, Swarm offers automation tools to approve offers, switch off traffic sources and complete similar actions. We also offer automated migration when joining our platform, real-time automated CR, and a network syncer to import and set up offers from a vast amount of partners. If you would like to learn more, please get in touch with our team.