How to find the best Mobile Marketing Automation platform for your business?

Mobile marketing automation is software that is used to perform repetitive tasks at a large scale and humanly impossible speed. As marketers look for new ways to use automation that will help them achieve their goals, it is important to know what to look for when choosing a mobile marketing automation platform.

So how can you find the best mobile marketing automation platform for your business? In this guide, we have created a checklist you can use to ensure that you are getting the most out of your mobile marketing automation platform.


What is a mobile marketing automation platform?

Mobile marketing automation platforms monitor and complete actions that help marketers perform daily operations. This is designed to complete tasks that are repetitive, unskilled, or could be completed by setting predefined parameters and rules.

The objective is to perform actions at scale and free up time for marketers so they can focus on strategy. Another use for mobile marketing automation platforms is to manage data. This includes migrating data automatically when choosing a new platform and generating automated reports so that marketers can react faster to new information.

From personalization to A/B testing, mobile marketing automation platforms are a critical component to a marketer’s overall strategy. They can be used to help you reach your targets faster and identify critical insights that keep you ahead of the curve.

But choosing the right partner for you can be challenging if you are unaware of the many ways automation can help you achieve your goals. Here is a checklist you can use to ensure that a mobile marketing automation platform has a complete offering.


5 ways to find the best Mobile Marketing Automation platform for your business

Here are five things you should gain access to when partnering with a mobile marketing automation platform. There will also be ways automation can help you in ways that are unique to your company and marketing goals. With this in mind, you should also get in touch with any platform you are considering for consultation.


1. Your mobile marketing platform uses automation for seamless data migration

The migration process when swapping to a new platform is enough to put many marketers off a better option. The time this takes can cost marketers time and money, but this isn’t the case if the platform offers an automated migration. This means data can be pushed onto a new platform without complications, while also completing the task as quickly and efficiently as possible. There is no need for manual effort and the potential for financial loss as a result of manual work is eliminated.


2. You can easily segment audiences with your mobile marketing automation problem

Segmenting audiences automatically is an industry standard that should be expected from every marketing platform. While it is expected, it is important to enquire how automation can help you A/B test creative and reach your most ambitious targets. Audience segmentation is also important for tasks such as creating personalized messaging for different user groups based on certain criteria. The ability to segment audiences also helps you dive into the analysis of different cohorts and identify how they should be targeted.

You can A/B test a wide range of aspects related to your user experience and KPIs if your mobile marketing automation platform enables you to segment your audience. This requires you to expose two different creatives to user groups that share the same characteristics. The difference in results between those two groups can be attributed to the variant in your creative. This helps you identify the changes that will improve your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).


3. Your mobile marketing automation platform enables you to automate personalization

With the right data and execution, personalization can be performed at scale with help from a mobile marketing automation platform. 71% of consumers believe personalized experiences would influence their decision to interact with emails, while 75% of consumers in North America stated that the emails they receive often aren’t appropriately personalized.

This shows that there are many opportunities to engage consumers and build brand loyalty by developing a strategy that personalizes content for each user. For example, marketers can personalize engagements by including a user’s first name in their newsletter creative. Personalized recommendations are another smart way to use personalization to increase revenue and create a unique user experience for each user. Provided that you have the necessary automation tools, these details can increase engagement and begin long-term relationships with loyal customers.


4. Your platform of choice uses automation for fraud prevention

Every marketer should be aware of the enormous threat ad fraud poses to the industry. The total cost of ad fraud is debated: TrafficGuard set the figure at $34 billion – with a prediction that this will increase to $87 billion by 2022 – while the WFA predicts ad fraud will be worth $50 billion. That would make ad fraud the biggest market for organized crime by 2025. Although the expected cost of ad fraud is debated, it is an undisputed fact that this is a widespread problem that affects every marketer.

Fortunately, automation can be used to combat fraudsters’ attempts to steal your ad spend and ruin your data. For example, Swaarm has an integrated click and postback shield that gives marketers complete control over their traffic. This includes the ability to filter events in real-time. This prevents fraudsters from ruining data and ensures brand safety.


5. You can access automated offers management

Offers are an important part of a marketer’s daily operations, but they can take a considerable amount of time to complete and manage. Automation can also help marketers complete offers based on criteria set manually. You can also switch off traffic sources that are not performing as you expected. This can be automated based on KPIs and used to efficiently scale a marketer’s campaigns.

If you found this checklist useful, you may also be interested in learning who can benefit from mobile marketing automation. We also have a resource that explains how Swaarm’s customer support helps you thrive.

Contact us today to find out how our innovative technology can help you grow your business at scale. Our team of industry experts will be happy to answer your questions and demonstrate why Swaarm is the right platform for your business.